Friday 22 July 2011

Jazz Hands Charlston

I sketched this little lady a while ago thinking it would make a fun topper image, but never got around to using it.
I've uploaded the image as a PNG so you can resize and colour her for yourself, if you'd like to download her just click HERE. (for Digi stamp and coloured image)
Vince x


  1. Thanks Vince, I know someone who would love this on their birthday card. Hugs Christine x

  2. Thank you Vince,love your art work.
    Sue x

  3. I love her! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is great! This is one of my favorite eras. Thanks Vince! I downloaded several others since I haven't stopped by forever! Thanks for sharing such fabulous images! Hope all is well with you guys!

  5. Thanks fornthe freebie - you've got all the movement happening here.

  6. Thanks very much - I love fashion images.


Thank you for leaving me a comment, I moderate all my comments so they might not be published straight away, but be patient I do check them daily. X Vince


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